Take Action

Submit a comment on the proposed CY2024 Physician Fee Schedule caregiver training rule.

As part of the proposed CY2024 Physician Fee Schedule, CMS is proposing adding coding and payment options when practitioners train and involve caregivers to support patients with certain diseases or illnesses (e.g., dementia) in carrying out a patient treatment plan. Additionally, CMS is proposing to add payment options for services to address health-related social needs (HRSNs) through social determinants of health (SDOH) risk assessments, integration of community health services, and patient navigation services. This is the first time that CMS is proposing including payment options for these activities, which aligns with a key policy goals and objectives identified in several Executive Orders and other Administration initiatives seeking to better support caregivers and patients with complex care needs, including the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers.

As such, NAC encourages advocates and campaign partners to submit their own comments on these sections with the proposed rule, and has developed a template letter to assist in submission efforts.

Comments Template for Individual Advocates (Download Word .doc File)
Comments Template for Organizations (Download Word .doc File)

Linked below are additional resources pertaining to the proposed rule:

Comments about this proposed rule are due by September 11.

Submit Your Comments

Use the form below to generate custom comments based on the templates above. Once you download your custom comments, feel free to make additions and share your family caregiving story. Copy, paste, and submit your completed public comment here by September 11.